
If you’re here looking at this page, it means there’s a baby on the way!

Maybe you are having a lot of questions and experiencing a lot of emotions at the same time. Don’t worry, this is absolutely normal, especially if this is your first experience as a parent!

Becoming a parent is a long journey with no final destination. Imagine it being a blind date, but this time you know you’re going to find the absolute love of your life for sure! During these nine months you will experience a variety of emotional and physical changes. Some will be exciting and exhilarating, while others can be worrisome. Whatever happens, whether it’s your first child, or if you’re already parents, I’m here to support, offer encouragement, security and love. I will help you make your birth a positive experience for you, your partner and your baby.

Due to my training as a Speech Therapist, Doula, Expert in Breastfeeding and Massages, I offer a complete doulage package! I accompany clients from pregnancy to postpartum, including breastfeeding consultancy.



Doulage Support


º 3 Prenatal meetings;
º 1 Massage for pregnant women;
º Availability 24/7 from the 38th week;
º Continuous presence during childbirth;
º Tree of life of the placenta;
º 1 postpartum visit;
º Maternity Kit.

*Transport expenses not included in packages.
*Prices inc BTW.



º Approximately 10 hours of class;
º A book: "The Hypnopartum Book";
º Bonus folder, handouts and hypnosis scripts;
º 3 meditation/relaxation audio tracks;
º Course notes with practical tips;
º Phone/email/text support before, during and after your baby's birth;

*Transport expenses not included in packages.
*Prices inc BTW.

Doula Support + Hypnobirthing


º 3 prenatal meetings;
1 Massage for pregnant women;
º Availability 24/7 from the 38th week;
º Continuous presence during childbirth;
º Tree of life of the placenta;
º 1 postpartum visit;
º Maternity Kit.

*Transport expenses not included in packages.
*Prices inc BTW.

If You're Interested, Get in Touch!

Get in touch, I’ll be happy to help you!


+31 6 5324-5371



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More Information

Our first contact will be in a simple and relaxed way, free of any commitment. It can usually be via a video call. In this meeting I will explain my work, I will answer your questions and, above all, I will listen to you.

If after this meeting you decide to hire my doulage services, we will schedule our first prenatal consultation.

The work of the Doula is based on three pillars:

Inform, Support and Connect.

During these prenatal meetings, in addition to creating that very important connection between pregnant woman-Doula, you will also receive the necessary information to make you feel safe and supported in your decisions, whatever they may be.

  • Physiology of childbirth;
  • Birth process in stages;
  • What’s going on in your body;
  • Birthing location options;
  • Breathing techniques;
  • Relaxation techniques;
  • Natural and medicinal pain relief;
  • Massage;
  • Birth wishes;
  • Help in the elaboration of the birth plan;
  • Golden hour;
  • Post childbirth.

This service starts from the 38th to the 42nd week of pregnancy. I will be available to support you 24/7 by phone or WhatsApp.

As soon as the first signs of labor begin, we will be in regular contact to follow the progression, and decide the best time for me to be physically present. During the active phase of labor, I will be providing physical and emotional support so that the mother is relaxed, comfortable and confident. 

After giving birth, I stay for another 2 hours to encourage and support the new family during the so important “Golden Hours”.

Golden Hours: 

It’s the first 3 hours after birth. It is very important that mothers have the opportunity to be skin-to-skin with their babies during these hours to breastfeed and form that immediate bond. Skin-to-skin contact promotes strong bonds between mothers and babies, leading to better breastfeeding performance.

“Breastfeeding in the first hour of life is important for both the baby and the mother, as it helps with uterine contractions, reducing the risk of bleeding.”

Breastfeeding consultancy is a service that involves guidance and conduct related to the mother’s posture, positioning, holding and sucking the baby; milking, breast care and milk storage.

During my breastfeeding consultation, I like to keep track of 2 feeding schedules. So it lasts on average 4 hours. I evaluate the baby’s oral cavity and the lingual frenulum and help the mother in latching on and in the best positioning of the baby for breastfeeding.

What is it? What is it for?

It is a method that teaches women to work with their body, controlling pain during labor and birth. These are visualization exercises, breathing techniques, positive affirmation, meditation and relaxation. It’s a shift from the mindset associated with the pain and fear of childbirth to a confident, centered experience. In this way, women can reduce the production of stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, and produce more oxytocin and endorphins. The pain won’t be there in the first place.

What are the benefits?

For mother: It can shorten labor, give you a better childbirth experience, reduce postpartum depression.

For the Partner: It will involve you more throughout the pregnancy, giving you the feeling that you are actively participating in the whole process.

For the baby: The baby will experience a smooth and calm delivery with reduced stress levels.

How is the course?

The course lasts approximately 10-12 hours which can be divided into 4 meetings of +-2.5 hours. It can be done online or in person, individually or in a group.

To find out more about the course and dates, contact: 06-53245371.

Awareness of the pelvic floor is extremely important during childbirth.

In this workshop I share useful information about pregnancy and childbirth combined with hypnobirthing techniques.

Here, the focus is on the function of the pelvic floor, helping you relax your muscles during labor and giving your baby more space during birth.

During the workshop, we will work on pelvic positioning, stretching, breathing, meditation and other relaxation techniques. ​

Classes include:

  • Positions during labor;
  • Breathing techniques;
  • Releasing pelvic floor tension;
  • Meditation;
  • Information.

Bengkung Belly Binding is an ancient Malay method of binding the belly of a postpartum woman by means of a long piece of cotton cloth (10-18 meters) around the hips and abdomen.

It’s an effective way to help you recover from childbirth. With the space created inside the belly to accommodate your baby, this method helps the organs and muscles to return to their usual space.

Some women experience a feeling of emptiness in the abdomen postpartum, Belly Binding helps with the process by providing warmth and support with the fabric wrap, making you feel protected and safe. 

It can be done 2 days after vaginal delivery, and in the case of a cesarean, as soon as the wound heals.

The ritual:

To prepare the belly, I first do a moxa stick treatment, which has a deep warming and restorative effect on your abdominal, lower back and pelvic area.

Then I do a relaxing abdominal massage with warm oil.

After the massage, I wrap your abdomen.

During the 14 days following the massage, you can stay with the fabric for 24 hours (I explain how to put it on and take it off). After these 14 days, use the tissue only at night.

During the moxa treatment and massage, you can lie in your bed with your baby close, for example, in the bed next to you.

During the first trimester of your pregnancy it is advisable to wait a little before starting massages. However, in the second and third trimester, when the belly is already evident and if your pregnancy is safe, allow yourself to enjoy a good massage.

Relaxing Massage for Pregnant Women:

Pregnancy massage is really a gift for mother and baby.

It is a time of rest for both; and your baby usually responds to massage touches. On my special maternity massage table, you can lie back on your stomach and enjoy deep relaxation while I massage your back. 

In addition to being very pleasant and relaxing, massage also has many other advantages.

  • Encourages a better night’s sleep;
  • Reduces lumbar pain;
  • Reduces swelling in the hands; ankles and feet
  • Reduces stress and tension;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • It improves the absorption of oxygen in the blood.

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