From Mother to Doula, My Experience

I am Brazilian, mother of 2 and I have lived in Holland – Amstelven since 2007. In addition to Portuguese, I also offer assistance in  English and  Dutch.

My wish is that every woman could have a birth & postpartum Doula. I say this because, as an expatriate, I felt very lonely and lost during my first pregnancy. Despite having every confidence in the Dutch healthcare system, I was in a country that was not mine, far from family and friends. I remember reading a lot and looking for a lot of information. My midwife was great, but I still lacked something. There was no one to ask or with whom to share those experiences, tips and indications that we grew up hearing from your mother, aunt, cousin, friend, neighbor, etc.

I didn’t lack information or medical assistance. However, only later did I realize that what I lacked was that “warming figure” that I could lean on, complain, talk about my insecurities without restrictions and judgment. That figure who would be by my side taking care of Me. Therefore, dear expectant mother, allow yourself to be cared for by a Doula. I, along with my professional and personal baggage and maternal experience, have a lot to offer and contribute to this journey from pregnancy to parenthood.

My Philosophy

“The child, for the full development of his personality, needs love and understanding. Whenever possible, they should grow up under the protection and responsibility of their parents, in an environment of affection and moral security.”

Therefore, my mission is to support and support during the birth of a family, whatever the method of creation. 

The Birth of a family is done through the combination of love and respect to be given and beings in need of receiving them.

Not all people who give birth identify with the female gender.

Not all people are blessed with the possibility of bearing a child in their womb.

Breaking barriers is a challenge that life allows us for our growth.

I believe that parenthood is an inherent human right, regardless of any type of segregation or standardization that society may impose.”


◉ Birth Doula

Doula Academy – Amsterdam

◉  Specialist in Hospital Speech Therapy 

Specialization Faculdade Estácio de Sá – Brazil

◉  Speech Therapist

Izabela Hendrix Methodist College – Brazil

◉  Biomechanics for birth Foundation

Molly O’Brien – UK

◉  KGHypnobirthing Teacher

KGH The Home of Hypnobirthing – UK


‘It is not necessary to know everything, but it is essential to be surrounded by people who know’
(Carmem Miranda)

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